Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sense Overload

When I was a child, I was desecrated by a Jeep. I decided it would be the sweetest idea to “J-walk” across a busy street wearing nothing but black on a dark and rainy night. I could hear sound of the tires squealing but because of the rain, the squealing stopped and the Jeep began to slide. Thinking that the Jeep stopped, I let my arms down from my head and instantly I was hurled into a vortex of pain. The sound of tires squealing annoys me because of this incident. It makes me think im about to be hit by a car. It really sucks now adays because when I am driving and I hear someones tires begin to squeel, it used to cause me to swurve but I got over that now. However, when I am walking, I still feel like im about to be hit when I hear that squeal. I just don't want to be hit by a car again, I almost died and there were only two things that night that really calmed me down. One of those was a beautiful blanket.

Paramedics told me that if I had lost another 2-3 ounces of blood I would probably be rotting in hell since I've never been to confession. Jokes aside I would have been dead. At ten years old death was at the tip of my fingers, something a child should never have to endure. Luckily for me, the man was nice enough to get out and practically save my life. He and his girlfriend rested my head upon a cotton-like blanket which the feeling still stays with me. The blanket ensured me that I was going to live although in reality the blanket was just supporting my head from the cement. To me this blanket was an angel sent from heaven. A beautiful rectangular cotton angel. Needless to say, whenever I feel cotton I feel safe.
Also that night, a unique kind of taste happened to creep into my mouth.

The hit was so devastating that my senses were set to overdrive. I remember the taste of everything that night. Besides the blood in my mouth, the most distinct taste I can remember is the taste of the night. I know it sounds incredibly wierd but it is true. There was something unique about that taste, the night tasted bitter with a hint of pine. Some nights, usually near a forest, I get that same taste in my mouth and it sends shivers down my spine. I really cannot describe this taste but when I was a kid I thought that different times of the day each had a significant taste cause I was cool. As I layed there, binge eating the night, I stared at the sirens which seemed to calm me down.

The only sights that ran through my eyes were flashing lights and the red from the blood. Needless to say, whenever I see a cop car or an ambulance driving by it makes me remember the blood dripping into my eyes and the lights flashing red. It makes me remember laying on that blanket waiting an eternity for the morning. These lights caused me to relax and calm down. Suprisingly these lights when they showed up prevented me from crying. It was either the lights or the insane amounts of blood loss that triggered this mellow state of mind. I just know that when I see these lights I know I can feel safe. However, the smell of burnt rubber drives me to the brink of insanity where it makes me almost as mad as Abba does.

The smell of burnt rubber lingered in my nose for three days after the incident while I was hospitalized. When I was hit, my head felt as if it were in a vice grip and now when I smell burnt rubber my head feels as if it is still stuck in that vice grip which never stopped closing. This feeling utterly obliterates all morals as it sends you into a fit of rage. This pain cannot be stopped.

That is the most memorable part of my child hood. The Jeep beat my senses into submission like a disobedient wife in the thirties. Now when I taste that certain taste, hear that certain sound, smell that certain smell, feel that certain texture, and see those certain lights, it brings me back to a time where death was playing "Nicky Nicky Nine-Doors" on my house.

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