Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Lament of a Sandwich

This is my lament my depressing story of woe; I am a sandwich with no ears, no voice, no soul.

In serious prose I must context; being a sandwich is not the best.

To the baker, the creator, I extend my thanks; for giving me life, that's shorter than Carlton Banks.

My life is crap, well that's what it comes to; I get brutally mangled, digested, and then I am no longer food.

If I am not eaten I am covered with mould; and I would just sit there for eternity because who would really eat a sandwich that old.

What is worse then dying? Sitting forever; Or thrown into a compost bucket with a half eaten liver.

If I am not eaten I will age 'till I'm soil; and perhaps, if I am lucky, I will become motor oil.

This is my lament, my depressing story of woe; I am a sandwich with no ears, no voice, no soul.

1 comment:

  1. After reading this entry, I feel that I understand a sandwhich's life on planet Earth.
    This is very original!
