Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rambo and Dante

Dante: Is the Titanium alloy decrepid?
Rambo: Yes
Dante: Yes?
Rambo: Yes
Dante: Is the fudge nuts!?
Rambo: The fudge is rough nilon
Dante: Dean is rough nilon
Rambo: Yes. However, Dean barraged a Barbarian
Dante: But the Alaskan Barbarian Bludgeoned Dean... Gore...
Rambo: Dean... Yes, Dean, Chopping fudge
Dante: And?
Rambo: Dioxyribonucleic Acid
Dante: And?
Rambo: And... And... And?
Dante: Yes... AND!?
Rambo: Hmm
Dante: NUTS!?
Rambo: DANTE!?
Dante: An inch is Gore!
Rambo: DANTE!?
Dante: Fudge
Rambo: Dante!
Dante: Yes, inch fudge is rough and decrepid!
Rambo: YES!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cant Live Without It

Let's be honest, the most common answer you would get from such a simple question would be phone.


My pet monster; my best friend
He is big, but small, happy but angry; a helping hand to lend

My pet monster tucks me in at night; but scares me later on
I shriek, i laugh, i rage, i love; we cry when we hear that song

My pet monster is in the closet; but lives under the bed
When I arrive, he's emerged; when others arrive, he's dead

My pet monster follows me on journeys; to wonderland, and beyond
Buys me ice cream, but smashes it out of hand; hating eachother, getting along

The walls are soft, the white coat is nice; my pet monster finds him bitter
In fits of rage I battle the beast; however, he always remains the victor

75 No Pain No Gain

75 no pain no gain
75 years of glory
75 years without rain
75 years; emerged one story

75 years of head to head
75 years; still going strong
75 years; the blood that i bled
75 years; still getting along

75 years of breathless hitting
75 years of constant adrenaline
75 years of bones splitting
75 years 1 field, 15 men

75 no pain no gain
75 years turning to the sea
75 years hooking in pain
75 years of rugby

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Preserving your body

To preserve beauty and youth, you must follow all of these steps.

1) Eat a good hardy breakfast every morning it is essential that you butter your toast

2) Get some exercise, go for a run or head to the gym as long as you have a strong heart you will always be healthy

3) Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day

4) Hygiene. Hygiene is essential, if you have impeccable hygiene, you will be free of germs and not only that but you will also pick up the opposite sex easier.

5) Sacrifice a goat to the elder god C'thulu. Bathe in the blood of young calves while reciting spells from the Necronomicon which allows you to be immortal

Follow these steps everyday and you will live a happy, successful and long life.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Its party time, in Tylerville.

Tyler's Party Invites Checklist:

Jim Morrison - This man would outdrink us and provide us with intellectual philosophy induced into his poetry. He has the world listening when he talks, and his

Teddy Roosevelt - Badassery has a face and a name, that is Teddy Roosevelt. He is here, just cause he is badass. Shows up with his pet bear and pet lion and outdrinks everyone without getting a buzz.

Trey Parker - Comedic gold at its finest. Bringing Trey Parker to a party is pretty much bringing the entire cast of South Park. And also his band DVDA will play for entertainment. As if Roosevelts Lion and Bear werent entertaining enough, unless we get them to fight.

Randy Marsh - Definition of man. This is just straight textbook classic average Joe. People who knew Randy Marsh would know why I would want him to come to my party, otherwise, it is way too hard to explain why I would want him there.

Hugh Hefner - Well Hugh can only come if he brings many of his girlfriends. I dont want this party to be the international house of sausage. Hugh has all the hook-ups and he will bring the party pretty much. Plus who does not want to party with Hugh Hefner?

Andy Samberg - "I'm on a Boat!" "Im the boss" Andy Samberg is quite possibly my hero. He has created his own genre of Comedy that I have completely adored. If Andy and I met im pretty sure we would be best buds.

Staff Sargeant Max Fightmaster - Nuff Said

Jim Carrey - God among men. Legend. All mighty Jim Carrey my hero. Partying with Jim Carrey would be like

Colonol Sanders -Cater my party

Andrew WK - He doesnt stop partying... even if he has a broken foot.

When the guest begin to arrive I believe that Colonol Sanders would be the first considering he is catering my party with all his delicious chicken, and chicken products.

Changing the Past. A Remarkable Gift if Done Properly.

The longer something occurs the harder it would be to change. That goes for time travel as well. The theory is that if I can go back in time in short packets such as twenty minutes or a day or two, then changing the past to alter the future is incredible. How many times have you caught yourself saying "I should have said that". If travelled back in time to say that thing you wish you have said, it would have practically no alteration of the future except for the satisfaction of you saying what you wish you had said. Or you wish you did not say something. Well if the time you said something you wish you never said was not very long ago, then changing time is nothing. However, if one was to travel back in time to change a historic event or to just change one small little thing, the world in the present would completely different altogether. So it all has to do with relativity. If you change something that was say 20 minutes to a day or two, then there is practically no change whatsoever. If you change something in the past about 5+ years ago then alterations of the future could possibly catastrophic. Changing the past is a gift if it you use it to change things that are happening to you in the present but changing the past is a curse if you change something from a long time ago; the present alterations would be jurassic and your life as you know it, wouldnt anything like you knew it was.

The Future is remarkable.

Who would have thought that eating a piece of toast one morning would direct my life to where I am right now and where I am going in the future. It happened when I was six years old and refused to goto school. I threw temper tantrums and pretend to be sick just to stay away from the dreaded classroom. However, at this time I was in love with toast. My mother bribed me with toast everymorning to goto school then I had eventually realized that "hey school isn't so bad". I quickly adapted to the environment and loved attending school. I went everyday even when I was sick and I passed through all my grades with great success. Now I am here in grade 13 trying to force my way into the University of Western Ontario. It is hard to think that toast guided my life in the right direction. Actually I want some toast right now.